Saturday 28 January 2012

Saturday Morning in't Hills

Well its the last Saturday of January and what can I say? Not much has happened and I am another month older. This morning I was woken by the gorgeous sounds that my 11 week old son makes of a morning, not a gentle, serene gurgling sound, more of a 'I have been quiet as a mouse whilst hungry, however mother and father, I am now at the point of starvation, so without any warning, I am going to scream the house down until I have a bellyful of warm milk', that gorgeous sound.

So anyway, I am up now and for my sins I have decided to bring some work home from the office at The Free Website Company and get cracking over the weekend putting some content together for some of our new clients.

I started up with this blog yesterday and whether anybody reads it or not I have to say that It is quite therapeutic to be able to sit and write such inane drivel without fear of what I put down going onto the website blog.

So, what has today got in store, well, firstly breakfast. I am undecided what to have at this moment in time, my head is screaming 'have and apple before you keel over' but my stomach is pleading ' nah, bacon and egg butty*, all the way'. So, given  that I have very little will power at all I am thinking of going for the latter.

Then Manchester United play Liverpool at 12:45 GMT, So I will be yelling at the screen that we hammer the scousers out of the cup. No beer today. I have inlaws visiting tomorrow so I would prefer to be tickety boo for that, who wouldn't?

After that, sorry that it is in a somewhat list format today, my mind hasn't started to work yet, (who the hell am I apologising too? what am I doing?  I was watching some stuff on YouTube last night about consciousness and if what most people are professing is indeed true then all this, the computer, the blog, the sound of the TV show friends that my girlfriend is watching in the next room is not even real, just my take on reality. Ooooh head rush.

Anyway, I am not totally sold on the complete argument yet.

So yeah, after that I am being elected a Trustee of a local charity. who would have thought eh?

So anyway I just thought that instead of sitting in front of the television set I would come onine and ramble in a fairly non structured way about things that were on my mind.

Once again, bye for now and I will give some thought to maybe writing something a little bit better next time.

*butty : Manchester speak meaning 'sandwich'

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